Context Clues

Throughout my action research, I made numerous connections between educational resources and information to better my students' understanding of the use of Context Clues in reading comprehension. My planning and decision making was based on my students' needs and struggles in reading comprehension aligned with the research that I investigated. I selected the Context Clues 4 Step strategy since it is a research tested strategy. Research also shows the direct connection between vocabulary knowlege and reading comprehension.
21st Century Skills
Collaboration and communication with my collegues, CADRE members, and CADRE mentors were crucial to my action research. Receiving advice and other educational professionals' input on my action research project helped me in planning and implementing in order to deepen my students' learning at all times. My students were also given multiple opportunities to collaborate and communicate with one another on how to use context clues to aid in reading comprehension. Students also had to use critical thinknig skills to make inferences and connections between prior knowledge and evidence from the text when using context clues. During my modeling and think alouds, I demonstrated creative thinking, communication and collaboration.
5 Core Propositions
Proposition 1:Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning.
Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.
My action research aligns with the National Board Professional Teaching Standards in many ways. First of all, I implemented my action research to meet the needs of my students. My students were struggling the most with reading comprehension so I focused my research on a specific strategy used to improve both vocabulary acquisiton and comprehension which was Context Clues. I became very familiar and comfortable with this strategy and how to effectively teach it to my students. I collected and analyzed data throughout my entire action research in order to plan effective instruction that would improve reading comprehension. I monitored my students' learning using a variety of formative and summative assessments, and made changes in my daily instruction as needed. My action research was also influenced by the many educational professionals that were in my building and a part of my district's learning community, as well as my extended CADRE connections.
Iowa Teacher Performance Framework
Standard 2: Demonstrates competence in knowledge appropriate to the teaching position
Understands and uses instructional strategies that are appropriate to the content area
Standard 3: Demonstrates competence in planning and preparing for instruction
Uses student achievment data such as the SRI scores in planning for instruction
Selects strategies to engage all students in learning
Uses available resources such as technologies and other educators or professionals in the developing and sequencing of instruction
Standard 4: Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students
Uses research-based instructional strategies such as Context Clues
Engages students in varied experiences that meet diverse needs
Standard 5: Uses a variety of methods to monitor student learning
Aligns assessment with instruction
Understands and uses multiple assessments to guide planning and instruction
Works with other staff and building and district leadership in analysis of student progress
Standard 7: Engages in professional growth
Demonstrates habits and skills of continuous inquiry and learning
Applies research, knowledge, and skills from professional development opportunities to improve practice
University Coursework
Throughout my CADRE experience, I have learned how to work my hardest at becoming a better teacher and constantly trying to improve my teaching practices. Through my project I engaged in research to find and implement the best practices to teach reading comprehension skills for my students. My coursework has taught me to utilize available resources as well as encourage not only my students, but myself and fellow colleagues and teachers. Through my university courses, I also learned about why assessment is important, ways to assess students, and how to use assessment to guide instructional decision making. As I have taught, monitored and collected data throughout this project, I have reflected on each step; my reflections have guided me to monitor and adjust my teaching as needed to meet all students' learning needs.
District and Building
The mission of my district is to guarantee that every student graduates with the knowledge, skills and character to become a responsible citizen and to succeed in a changing world by creating a leading-edge, inclusive educational system which provides challenging expectations, diverse experiences, engaging curriculum and innovative teaching within a collaborative, caring community. I believe providing all students with the skill sets they need to become successful citizens is something that does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort which is what was given throughout my entire action research. My school's mission is four simple yet powerful words: Learn, Inspire, Compassion, Together. My instructional approach in this project embedded these qualities in my lessons, activities, feedback, and reflections.
Professional Development
As a new teacher, I am always looking for ways to improve classroom and instructional strategies to best meet the needs of all of my students. Through my district's professional development days that occured on Monday afternoons and through CADRE seminars, I have been given the oppoortunties to form relationships and partnerships with fellow teachers and educators, learn about and apply numerous new ideas and strategies, and reflect upon my performance as an educator.